Class of 1976 — 40 Year Reunion

This event marks 40 years since the class of 1976 completed their degrees in the then Faculty of Engineering.

The reunion is an opportunity for alumni to renew acquaintances and reconnect with the School, as well as an opportunity for the School to inform guests of the exciting activities currently taking place.

The group went on a tour of the Infrastructure Labs led by Dr Jonathan Tran and also visited the Carlton Connect Initiative and the Melbourne Accelerator Program in the former Royal Women’s Hospital site, led by Cherie Dawn. Following the tours, the cohort went to University House (Tin Alley) for dinner.

Date: Friday 18 November 2016

These photos are for personal interest only. Please contact the Engineering Advancement Team if you require a higher resolution copy for printing, have any questions, or wish to use these photographs in a public arena.